Other options of higher education

Good to know

To enrol into artistic courses you have to pass an aptitude test. After finishing this program you can apply to University, University of Applied Sciences or University for Teacher Education.

Industrial Master College, Building Craftsperson and Master Craftsperson school (Werkmeister-, Bauhandwerker- und Meisterschule)


Courses attended by students who have completed their vocational training in a technical or trade area. The main purpose is expanding their theoretical knowledge. The programme lasts between 2 and 4 semesters and is completed by taking a final oral exam, which will qualify the individual to mentor apprentices. They’re schools for a special type of trade, technical or artistic education. To be admitted in this program, you must complete the vocational training.

Add-on courses (Aufbaulehrgang)


These courses are aimed at people who have completed an apprenticeship, the Secondary Technical and Vocational School, Medium Level (BMS) and/or a preparatory course for the Higher Education Entrance Examination. They can apply for Add-on course to prepare for tertiary studies. They will keep studying the area of specialization, as well as they will have general courses. After successfully completing the courses, students can enrol University, University for Teacher Education or University of Applied Science. The duration of Add-on Courses is six semesters. In some cases, additional qualifications (such as the School for Master Craftsmen, Foremen and Construction Trades) are required.