Types of verification

Legalisation (Beglaubigung)


The legalization is used to confirm that a document is authentic. The legalisation is only necessary for the countries that didn’t sign the Convention of The Hague: www.internationalapostille.com/hague-apostille-member-countries/. If your country signed it, please read directly about the apostille. To get the legalisation you need to pay a fee.


In the case that the documents are from your country of origin but you need those in Austria, first you need to legalize them at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of your country.

Once you have this legalization, go to the Austrian embassy to finish the process and get the legalisation there too. Once that done, these documents can be used in Austria.



It’s a legalization of a document, to verify its authenticity. It’s a sheet stamped by the competent authority that it’s added to the original documents.

The apostille is used by the countries that signed the Convention of The Hague: www.internationalapostille.com/hague-apostille-member-countries/. If you country didn’t signed it, please read about legalization. To get the apostille you need to pay a fee.


The competent authority for apostille is different in each country. You can ask your embassy about the department of the government in charge of it.

Superverification (Überbeglaubigung)


If you have an Austrian certificate and need to use it abroad, you need super-verification. This is a confirmation of authenticity of a document from the Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs.


Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs of Austria.

Bundesministerium für Europa, Integration und Äußeres

Büro für Konsularbeglaubigungen

Minoritenplatz 8

1010 Vienna

Email: beglaubigungen@bmeia.gv.at

Tel. (+43) 050 1150-4425 or 4429

Certified copy


A certified copy is a reproduction of a document, authenticated by a competent authority. This is only for documents issued and used in Austria.


A notary or a district court (Bezirksgericht).